Killyman Primary School has its own policy on discipline and a set of simple school rules which will apply to all children. Parents will accept that their children will be subject to this policy. 
We believe that good behaviour is essential for quality teaching and learning to take place. We strive to promote positive behaviour by encouraging the children to behave in a responsible way, showing respect for themselves, respect for other pupils and respect for adults. Teachers continually recognise and praise positive behaviour. While we hope that the positive approach will be successful, there may be times when sanctions are necessary to deal with unacceptable behaviour. In those cases there is a graded set of sanctions involving the class teacher and, afterwards, the Principal. In the case of a serious breach of the rules parents will be informed, either by receiving a written report from school or being invited to come to school to discuss the matter. 
In September 2005 the Principal and Board of Governors introduced a Home/School Agreement which all parents must sign. A copy of this agreement is contained in this prospectus. 
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