The School Curriculum  
Curriculum Policy Statements 
It is the policy of the Board of Governors of Killyman Primary School that all the pupils will receive their full entitlement under the Northern Ireland Curriculum. 
Broad Aims of the School 
Killyman Primary School seeks to offer a curriculum that is balanced and broadly based and which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and physical development of pupils. This curriculum will seek to prepare the pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. It will also aim to teach the children, through a caring and friendly atmosphere, respect for rules, authority and property and to have consideration for the needs of others and, therefore, to maximise the potential of each pupil and develop self-confidence. 
General Principles 
The acquisition of knowledge and skills will be regarded as important. This acquisition will, however, be placed in the context of the development of positive attitudes to learning and the development of sound moral values based on Christian religion. 
Access to the Curriculum 
The curriculum is seen as being a common curriculum for all pupils of Killyman Primary School and no pupil will be debarred from any part of it on the grounds of sex. The school will consider the needs of children with Special Needs. Every effort will be made to provide maximum access to the curriculum to children who are physically handicapped. 
Complaints Regarding Curriculum 
In accordance with the school’s policy of involving parents in the education of their children, in those cases where parents consider that the curriculum provision is not satisfactory, they are welcome to express their concerns. This should be done in accordance with the following procedure. In the vast majority of cases the problem will be solved at Stages 1 or 2. In the case of serious complaints, the concerns should be specifically detailed in writing and given to the Principal of the school, or the Secretary of the Board of Governors, to enable the matter to be examined and a reply made. 
Stage 1 - Contact class teacher after obtaining Principal’s consent; 
Stage 2 – Contact Principal; 
Stage 3 – Contact Chairman of Board of Governors; 
Stage 4 – Request that matter be considered by SELB Complaints 
Tribunal for Curriculum Matters. 
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